Dry Volt Skyddsolja

kr 295

Hur många dyklampor, blixtar och elektronik har du lyckats dränka och totalförstöra?
Med Dry Volt skyddar du din känsliga elektronik om det skulle läcka in vatten.

Droppflaska 30 ml

5 i lager (kan restnoteras)



The protective shield of DRY VOLT electronics against moisture is so strong that it allows
even for electrical conductivity under water.
This means that electrical appliances and installations continue to operate in extreme cases
when they are completely submerged or in the event of Flooding.
Important Tips & Information
Once a surface is applied with DRY VOLT electronics the results last from up to 3 years
in a very hostile environment, or maybe more depending on the mechanical stress exerted.
DRY VOLT electronics is not a product that makes equipment permanently waterproof, it
is a product that makes equipment water resistant in case of exposure to Water by Accident
or Flooding Situations.
The main utility of DRY VOLT electronics is the protection of electrical and electronic
devices from moisture and water, in case they are exposed, not to permanently seal the
devices and to operate continuously under voltage underwater.
DRY VOLT electronics is a product that protects machinery and human health in the event
of a current leak or accidental exposure to water.
DRY VOLT electronics does not replace the standard factory insulation (IP) of electrical
and electronic equipment, but it can enhance the (IP) protection in an Excellent level.
DRY VOLT electronics in some cases restores the functions of electrical contacts, electrical
and electronic devices that have been exposed to water & moisture.
 Facilitates Maintenance.
 Easy Application on electronic Circuits and Devices.
 Removes the Disturbing ”Hiding” Moisture and Protects from Oxidation electronic
Circuits & Pin Plugs Without the Use of Corrosive Chems.
 Εmpowers the (IP) Protection and Power Performance of Electronic Equipment
Operating Under Aggressive Environments (Saltwater, Steam, Moisture, Frost, Spilling
& Flooding events).
It is made of Refined Mineral Oil of High Purity, Antioxidants.
The product Does Not Contain: Rubber, Silicone, Acrylic, Teflon, Benzene.

The protection properties of electronic circuits remain from -30 °C to +130 °C.